Reviews of scotch and world whiskies by a history professor, his wife, bird, and three cats.

Glen Garioch 15 Year, Adelphi

Glen Garioch 15 Year, Adelphi

Whisky : Glen Garioch 15 Year, Adelphi

Country/Region : Scotland/Highland

ABV : 59.6%

Cask : Oak

Age : 15 Year (Distilled 2000, Bottled 2016)

Nose : Musty summer fruits, chalk, and citrus. Crates of fruits stacked in a dunnage warehouse awaiting shipment: green pineapples and mangos with a light salt spray. Maritime memories faded into soft summertime fruit popsicles by the pool: orange, line, and fruit punch. Hints of herbal tea, strawberries and cream, canned Saturn peaches, and coconut lotion hung in the background.

Palate : Medium-bodied and bright with fruit, minerals, and wax. At the onset were all manner of fruity summer flavors— orange, lime, blue vanilla, and fruit punch popsicles by the pool. A mild mineral undercurrent to the fruits, almost like wet stone and zinc oxide sunscreens. Hints of herbal tobacco, tea, and candle wax hung in the background and appeared at the end with a spirited fruity punch.

Finish :  Lingering notes of tannic coconut, vanilla, and tea.

Score : 7

Mental Image : Vintage Neon 90s Sunscreen

Notes : Another excellent Glen Garioch, this took me right back to the pool in the 90s with my siblings and I decked out in neon-colored sunscreen. I do not know if any of those things still exist— I do not see a whole lot of kids running around with neon war paint anymore, so I guess not.

This dram actually matched the tasting notes for the Glentauchers SMWS released for its Speyside Festival better than it did.  This was full of all sorts of musty fruits on the nose and palate. The dram called to mind memories of the summer: sticky popsicles by the pool, wet stone, pine, and romping through musty gardens. I loved the different impressions, even if this was a bit sweet and spirited at first. A few drops of water accentuated some of the fruit, pine, and tea notes. Hints of candle wax throughout left me with a final impression of candlelight night swimming— the fruit turned toward sensual bath oils. I will stay PG and simply say this dram had a romantic, sensual edge to it.

Overall, this Glen Garioch was delicious and left me craving more— just as the last one did. I surely will not have the chance to try this single cask again, that is the ephemeral nature of the product, but I will keep an eye out for another opportunity to try something from the distillery.

Image Credit: Norfolk Wine and Spirits

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