Whiskery Turnip | Whisky Hawaii

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Brenne Single Malt

Whisky : Brenne Single Malt

Country/Region : France

ABV : 40%

Cask : Limousin Oak, Finished in Cognac Casks

Tasting : Neat in a Glencairn @ Home.

Nose : Do you remember getting sick as a child and being offered the sweet syrupy fake cherry children’s Tylenol? If so, this dram will immediately transport you back to those younger years. There is a strong artificial cherry or banana aroma to this dram. If that weren’t distasteful enough, the aroma of paint thinner is lying in wait in the background. If turpentine candy were a thing, this is how it would smell. My better-half more charitably described the nose as orange creamsicle.

Palate : A bit of creamy apple-banana and not nearly as artificial tasting as the nose had been. However, before you can enjoy those flavors the weak body carries them away leaving only a harsh unrefined alcohol.

Finish : A fleeting, though not unpleasant, creamy sweetness.

Score : 1

Notes : Cognac Casks can be really hit or miss in my experience. Sometimes they add hints of fruity smoke or cheese rind funk. Brenne seemed to pick up none of those notes, only taking on the artificial fruit flavor that Cognac Casks can also provide. Brenne lacked much body— it was too watery to really enjoy any sort of mouthfeel and definitely drank like it was under-proofed. Though considering the unappealing nature of the palate, I don’t know if I would even want to try a full-proof version unless someone else is paying.